Aesthetics Center Kasemrad Hospital Prachachuen on the floor 9 Offers all the problems of the skin. By specialist dermatologist. Including
laser skin For beautiful skin With innovative modern tools Full service dermatology.
Services of Aesthetics Center Kasemrad Hospital Prachachuen
Spectra VRM II™ Laser
(Smaller pore size, firmer skin and treating pigmentation.)
Spectra VRM II Laser is a soft laser approach to stimulate the skin’s collagen and fibroblast, resulting in smaller pore size and firmer skin. Studies have confirmed that it can improve fine lines, achieve a more refreshed appearance, smoother skin texture and an even skin tone. Laser skin rejuvenation is a gradual process. Usually patients need 4-6 treatments spaced at 2-4 weeks apart.
Spectra VRM II™ Laser can improve the appearance of
• Enlarged pore size
• Acne scars
• Fine lines
• Skin tone and texture
• Pigmentation including Melasma, freckles, birthmark and tattoo.
Treatment Procedure
Laser Toning by Spectra VRM is a non-ablative procedure and patients can typically complete treatments without the use of topical anesthetics and return to their normal daily routines immediately afterwards. Treatments can be combined with other complimentary therapies to achieve multiple clinical advantages with little or no risk of side effects.
Post treatment
It is recommended to wear sunscreen daily, avoid excessive exposure to the sun and Return check-ups as scheduled to monitor and maintain results. In laser rejuvenation mode, Temporary redness which subsides within a few hours can be seen. Women can reapply makeup before leaving the doctor's office and return to work the same day. In some pigmentation treatment, superficial crust, which forms only over the treated spots and falls off naturally 5 to 10 days afterwards can be expected.
3500 Baht for facial rejuvination and 4000 Baht pore size correction
3000-10000 baht for pigmentation removal.
For treatment of facial capillaries and veins, facial rejuvenation , skin tightening ,hair removal , acne scar, hypertrophic scar and dilated leg veins.
This non-ablative Long-Pulsed YAG Laser technology, is often used for wrinkles because of its collagen stimulation effect and reducing the appearance of acne redness and calm down the blemish one. Besides tightening the skin, with volumetric heat effect, this can lift the sagging face as well. Thanks for long pulse technology, give us multiple applications, such as treating red raised scar, reducing pigmentation, and treatment of challenging melasma. The Coolglide has a built-in cooling device that protects the top layer of skin but it can still feel like a rubber band snapping against the face as it is used. This Laser can be used for hair removal and removing surfaced capillaries. This treatment needs to be repeated to maintain the results and help discourage further sagging.
Treatment Procedure
Coolglide is a non-ablative procedure and patients can typically complete treatments without the use of topical anesthetics and return to their normal daily routines immediately afterwards. Treatments can be combined with other complimentary therapies to achieve multiple clinical advantages with little or no risk of side effects. We normally combine Coolglide with Revlite or Medlite in treating melasma. Usually patients need several treatments spaced at 2-4 weeks apart for maintaining rejuvenation effect, however in treating capillaries or veins may need only 1 time or few session in bigger sizes blood vessels. For hair removal, it may takes 4-6 treatments spaced at 4-6 weeks apart.
Post treatment
It is recommended to wear sunscreen daily, avoid excessive exposure to the sun and return check-ups as scheduled to monitor and maintain results. Temporary redness which subsides within a few hours can be seen. In veins treatment, The treated area may become swollen and red for the remaining part of the day. Occasionally, the patient may observe a small pin point dots of bleeding in the treated areas for some hours. Skin allergy occasionally occur and can be resolved with topical steroid or antihistamine medication. Women can reapply makeup before leaving the doctor's office and return to work the same day.
Start from 3000 to 10,000 baht depends on size.
Skin lifting and tightening.
HIFU ( high intensity focused ultrasound) is the newest nonsurgical facelift. The focus sound wave delivers energy deep to the level of facial fascia. Microcavitations will be followed by new collagens. Remodelling of collagen and skin tightening will follow. The maximum result will be seen after 3-6 months. The treatment produce sensation of needle prick. Many patients can tolerate this. Pain sensitive patient will be treated under topical anesthesia.
Treatment procedure
Topical anesthesia is applied prior treatment. Hipro deep tip (4.5 mm) will be applied first along the deep fascia follow by medium depth tip ( 3.0 mm). The total number of lines of treatments varies depending on depth and degree of laxity. Pre cooling with ice will be applied for case with very low pain threshold.
Post treatment
Temporary redness can bedetected and subsides within 24 hours. Women can reapply makeup before leaving the doctor's office and return to work the same day.
Start from 15,000Baht (300 lines), 30,000 Baht ( 500 lines), 50,000 Baht (600 lines) and 80,000 Baht ( 800 lines)
Eyelid surgery and eye bags removal (Blepharoplasty) with CO2 Laser.
CO2 laser allows short non-bleeding incision. This stitchless technique (lower eye lids) and very short incision ( upper eye lids) also creates less operation time, no need for hospital stay, less swelling no bruising and no visible scar. Performed by very experienced aesthetic laser surgery specialist, make more optimum result with less downtime.
The patient should come for preoperative consultation. Case with eye problems should have complete opthalmologic consultation. Medicines that interfere with blood clot should be terminated at least one week before surgery.
Upper eye lid correction and short incision double eyelid surgery 40,000 Bath. Eye bags removal (stitchless) with eyelid tightening 35,000-40,000 Baht.
Neurotoxins for Wrinkles and Lines (Botox )
It helps reducing wrinkles at forehead, frown and smile lines, facial contouring, lifting and tightening skin at face and neck area. Smooth youthful skin can be appreciated in 1 week post treatment, and remain for 4-6 months before the next treatment required. Reduction of jaw muscles and tightening of neck is possible. This is a quick resolution procedure with no downtime, women can reapply make up after the procedure.
Massage at injection sites is not allowed for 1 week. Stay upright 4 hours after injections. Avoid blood thinning food, supplements or medications such as aspirin, vitamin E, gingko extract, which may result in bruising.
380/unit ( approximate for forehead, gabellar and Crow’s feet will be about 30 units, Jaw reduction and contouring of lower face will be about 50 units)
Dermal Filler ( Juvederm, Restylane)
Hyaluronic acid is a natural product that has been developed to be inject to correct facial defect and aging process. Different types of filler has been develop for different level of injection. High viscosity product will be used for face lift , improve deep tear trough and naso labial folds , temporal depression, mouth lines, smoker lines , lip lines and for fullness of lips.
Nose augmentation can also be done without surgery. Injection can be done with both needles or blunt tip cannular.We are using leading brand Dermal Filler with the Thai FDA approval, injected by experienced physicians. Result is instantaneous, producing a natural enhancement that can last 6-12 months.
Avoid massage at injection sites which can result in migration of the filler gel. Drinking a lot of water is essential to maintain the volume of the hyarulonic gel which is good at absorbing water. Avoid blood thinning food, supplements or medications such as aspirin, vitamin E, gingko extract, which may result in bruising. This treatment should be done before an important event about 2 weeks.
Starting from 15,000 baht per ml, depends on the amount of the filler needed.
Treatment of melasma, freckles, deep brown spots, birthmark, tattoo, post inflamed hyperpigmentation, and dyschromia.
Revlite is the lastest Q-switched Nd YAG lasers that can generate high energy, large spot size flat beam. Clinical Professor Dr.Niwat Polnikorn is the world leader in developing special technique for treatment of melasma with this laser. This technique had been called “ laser toning” and has shown to be the effective treatment for difficult cases of melasma. It can be applied for post acne or post inflammation hyperpigmentation. Birthmarks, tattoos removal and scar remodeling.
Treatment procedure
Topical anesthesia is applied prior some treatments. Usually patients need several treatments spaced at 2-4 weeks apart for gradual reduction of hyperpigmentation and maintaining rejuvenation effect. Several sessions is needed in tattoo removal, spaced at 4-6 weeks apart.
Post treatment
It is recommended to wear sunscreen daily, avoid excessive exposure to the sun , apply topical whitening agents and return for check-ups as scheduled to monitor and maintain results. In laser rejuvenation mode, temporary redness which subsides within a few hours can be seen. Women can reapply makeup before leaving the doctor's office and return to work the same day. In some pigmentation treatment, superficial crust, which forms only over the treated spots and falls off naturally 7 to 10 days afterwards can be expected.
3000-5000 Baht per treatment of full face
3000-10000 Baht for tattoo removal (depends on size.)
Treatment for wrinkle, especially fine wrinkle under eyes,dilated pores, acne scar and scar from other causes.
Fractional Erbium:Fiber Laser(1550nm) technology send in random pattern of extra-narrow laser beam into deep part of the skin. This results in tiny columns of heat injuries follow by inflammation and new collagen systhesis. Clinically , it can be used in in reducing fine lines, improving depressed scar, pore size reduction and reducing acne redness .
Treatment procedure
Topical anesthesia is applied prior the treatment. Usually patients need 4-6 treatments spaced at 4-6 weeks apart for acne and scar treatment. For rejuvenation it can be used for all skin types and can be repeated every 1-3 months.
Post treatment
It is recommended to wear sunscreen daily, avoid excessive exposure to the sun and return check-ups as scheduled to monitor and maintain results. Temporary redness which subsides within 24 hours can be seen. Superficial redness over the treated area will be observed after treatment and fade after 1-2 days.
5,000-10,000 Baht per treatment depend on size.
Treatment of melasma, freckles, wrinkles, dyschromia, redness, pore size reduction, facial veins and capillaries, scars can be done with this intense pulse light. Omnilight has been designed to be effective and safe for Asian skin by delivering longer wavelength pulse light employing fluorescent filter technology that allow the most suitable treatment program . High intensity pulse light will be delivered through cool sapphire tip. This Omnilight can do well in toning skin color, treatment for brightening, pore tightening, acne redness, brown spots, facial veins and capillaries, striae, prevention of keloid and hypertrophic scar after surgery.
Treatment procedure
Usually patients need several treatments spaced at 2-4 weeks apart for maintaining rejuvenation effect and good control of over production of pigment cells. The treatment area will be cleaned and apply with cool gel before treatment.
Post treatment
It is recommended to wear sunscreen daily, avoid excessive exposure to the sun and return check-ups as scheduled to monitor and maintain results. Temporary redness or some burning sensation which subsides within 24 hours can be seen. Freckles and brown spots will become darker in color follow by thin scab lasting 3-5 days. Women can reapply makeup before leaving the doctor's office and return to work the same day
3000-5000 Baht per treatment of full face
Non-surgery face and neck lift. No pain, no downtime and no discomfort.
RF-Lift (Derma RF/ Athron) is the Radio Frequency treatment that can generate deep heat energy which stimulate collagen contraction , new collagen synthesis and lipolysis for better face contour and body circumferential and cellulite reduction. This RF lift is used in tightening face, neck, arms, and contouring abdomen.
Treatment procedure
Usually patients need continue treatments spaced at 2-4 weeks apart for maintaining the effect.
Post treatment
Temporary redness which subsides within 30 minutes can be seen. Feeling of tightening and lift can be appreciated immediately after the treatment. Women can reapply makeup before leaving the doctor's office and return to work the same day.
3000-5000 Baht per treatment
Treatment for wrinkles, face tightening and lift, hair removal, in-growing hair, small leg (varicose) veins. Close facial capillaries and veins, facial rejuvination and lifting, hair removal.
This Long-Pulsed NdYAG technology, is delivered after cool spray, allows the deep penetration of laser with very good protect of the uppermost skin surface.This creates gentleness feeling during the procedure. The gentle YAG is used for tightening and lifting the sagging face in early stage. This stimulation effect of collagen synthesis and contraction is suitable for wrinkles reduction in people age around 30-40 years old.
Treatment Procedure
Patients can typically complete treatments without the use of topical anesthetics, however in very sensitive skin topical anesthetic may be needed. The regular treatment every 4-6 weeks is recommended to maintain the results and help discourage further sagging.
Post treatment
It is recommended to wear sunscreen daily, avoid excessive exposure to the sun and return check-ups as scheduled to monitor and maintain results. Temporary redness which subsides within 24 hours can be seen. Women can reapply makeup before leaving the doctor's office and return to work the same day.
3000-5000 baht per treatment for wrinkles and face sagging problems.
3000-10000 baht per treatment for hair removal.
Treatment for inflamed-acne, acne redness, veins and capillaries at face and legs, vascular birth mark, hypertrophic scar and keloid after surgery, and safe for children.
This v-beam (Pulse dye laser) is the gold standard of treatment of vascular problems.It has multiple level of energy selection and a built-in cool spray system that prevent overheating and allow more comfort during treatment. This treatment is suitable for acne, vascular lesion ( birthmark, capillaries and veins). V-beam is a relatively painless procedure and optimum improvement can be appreciated after the first treatment.
Treatment Procedure
Usually patients need several treatments depend on size and severity of the lesion with the spacing at 2-4 weeks apart.
Post treatment
Temporary bruising with no skin damage can be seen. Women can reapply makeup before leaving the doctor's office and return to work the same day.
Start from 2000 baht for acne treatment.
4,000-8,000 baht for single treatmetn of vascular (birthmark, face/ legs veins and capillaries) treatment.
Contact Aesthetics Center phone 02-910-1600 1410-1411 is open daily from 09:00 to 20:00 hrs
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Date | Time |
Sunday | 09.00 to 16.00 pm. |
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Tuesday | 09.00 to 12.00 pm. |
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Wednesday | 09.00 to 12.00 pm. |