
Clinics & Centers

Kasemrad International Congenital Heart and Valve Center (KICHV)

“ Heart diseases are chronic and can’t be permanently cured. They will need continual care to prevent the narrowing of arteries or complications, which are the cause of sudden death.

Lasik And Eye Laser Center

Kasemrad Prachachuen Lasik Center, Thailand’s first optical surgery center introducing the advanced technology,

Aesthetics Center

Aesthetics Center Kasemrad Hospital Prachachuen on the floor 9 Offers all the problems of the skin. By specialist dermatologist. Including laser skin For beautiful skin With innovative modern tools Full service dermatology.

Breast Cancer Center

Breast cancer is one of the leading causes of death for women all over the world. It is the most common cancer in Thai women.

Gastroenterology and Hepatology Center

Gastroenterology and Hepatology Center, Kasemrad Prachacheun Hospital, understands the importance of the diagnosis, treatment.

Obstetrics & Gynecology Center

Obstetrics & Gynecology Center provides treatment and diagnosis services for all kinds of gynecologic disorders with modern medical devices.

Dental Center

Pediatric Dentistry provides care, prevention, and treatment of deciduous teeth to beautiful and healthy permanent teeth.

Internal Medicine Center

Internal medicine is the consultation service including diagnosis, treatment, prevention and health promotion by a team of internal medicine physicians who provide medical care.

Eye Center, Kasemrad Prachachuen Hospital

Eye center offers services and treatments for all ophthalmologic disorders including general disorders and specific disorders that require specialized expertise by a complete team of ophthalmologists equipped with modern diagnostic and treatment devices.