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Darawan Chantad, ,M.D.

Darawan Chantad, ,M.D.

Clinics & Centers : Kasemrad International Congenital Heart and Valve Center (KICHV)
Specialty : -
Sub-specialty : Cardiovascular and Interior Decorators
Detail :
- M.D., Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University, 1995

Diplomas, Certifications and Fellowships
- Board Certified, Internal Medicine, Chulalongkorn University, 2001
- Board Certified of Cardiology, Siriraj Hospital, 2003
- Sub-Board Certified of Cadiovascular Intervention, ChulalongkornHospital, 2003

Work Experience
- General Practitioner, 1997-2000
- Cardiologist, 2003-2007
- Cardiologist and Interventional Cardiologist, 2007-2009

Current Position
- Cardiologist and Interventionist of Cardiac Center, Kasemrad Hospital Prachachuen

Date Time
Friday 09.00 to 12.00 ,17.00  to 20.00 pm.
Saturday 09.00  to 16.00 pm.

Please contact 02-910-1600-45 ext.  1080 , 1081  for appointment