Get to know shingles
When the body's immune system is lower than normal, such as fatigue, not getting enough rest, the elderly or children who have lower immunity than the general population. With shingles, pain occurs along the nerves. This is because the infection will hide and multiply, causing the nerves to become inflamed.
Symptoms of shingles
There is itching, burning pain, and burning pain in the skin for about 1-3 days before a red rash appears in the painful area.
1 The red rash will turn into long, clear blisters. The rash is usually arranged in groups or along nerves. Not widely distributed It's like a bump in a patient with chicken pox.
2 The patient will feel a sharp pain in the skin area.
3 The rash will break into blisters, scab over, and begin to fall off the skin in 7 – 10 days.
4 After the rash disappears, there may still be pain along the nerves remaining.
5 Hot pain along the nerve But there was no rash. Patients should immediately see a doctor for further diagnosis.