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Why ? The tooth was filled but the tooth still decayed again. If not taken care of well and not properly taken care of

Why ? The tooth was filled but the tooth still decayed again. If not taken care of well and not properly taken care of

12 things to know about how to take care of yourself before donating blood on September 19, 2024 at Kasemrad Hospital, Rattanathibet.

12 things to know about how to take care of yourself before donating blood on September 19, 2024 at Kasemrad Hospital, Rattanathibet.

No secret tips for people who are allergic to the rainy season. How to take care of yourself? Let's see.

No secret tips for people who are allergic to the rainy season. How to take care of yourself? Let's see.

September 16, World Ozone Day

September 16, World Ozone Day

Don't let stomach pain be normal. Stomach ache here Where are we sick?

Don't let stomach pain be normal.
Stomach ache here Where are we sick?

How to take care of your mental health

How to take care of your mental health

5 serious diseases from high cholesterol

If allowed to have hyperlipidemia Will cause the accumulation of fat in the blood vessel walls. Which is more dangerous than thought and may cause other complications that follow.

6 symptoms that are considered common symptoms But it may be a warning sign of high blood fat levels.

6 symptoms that are considered common symptoms But it may be a warning sign of high blood fat levels.

RSV & Flu

RSV & the flu are so similar that sometimes we can't tell them apart.
How are they similar or different? Today's short story has the answer.


RSV is a familiar name that you kids shouldn't have.
I believe that many mothers are worried about how well their baby will get RSV. I'm still worried. Our short story today is an observation of the baby's condition. If you have these symptoms You should immediately see a doctor to check your symptoms.

Groups at risk for respiratory viruses in the rainy season

In this rainy season, coughing, sneezing, sore throat, and runny nose may not be normal. What kind of symptoms are at risk? Today we have a short story. Let's answer the question.

Every time it rains!! My nose is stuffy every time.

Every time it rains!! My nose is stuffy every time.

Why should you be screened for breast and cervical cancer every year?

Why should you be screened for breast and cervical cancer every year?

Natural birth and cesarean section What are the advantages?

Natural birth and cesarean section What are the advantages?

Why ? Tartar must be scraped every 6 months.

Why ? Tartar must be scraped every 6 months.

Why should Thai women have an annual health examination every year?

Why should Thai women have an annual health examination every year?

Itching during the rainy season

Itching during the rainy season